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Loperamide 2mg
Extract drug to children from the age of six Loperamide 2mg When diarrhea in children over six years of pills prescribed Imodium diarrhea if his reason was not an infection. Distinguish the origin of infection and intestinal infection can only medical worker, doctor. Typically, diarrhea from intestinal infection causes the baby raising the temperature, intoxication, accompanied by severe pain and weakness of the head, and the advent of the masses stool mucus. But there are times when no symptoms are shown above, and the use of the drug, can enhance the body poisoning and intoxication. There is a connection diarrhea infectious microbes education intestine that cause infection. Because children 6 years after the appointment has to do only a qualified doctor. Sometimes children is chronic diarrhea caused by congenital deficiency of enzymes in the body, then appointed Imodium. The dose and mode of thus determined by the physician, who must follow the general condition of the child. What drug is contraindicated kids In the age range to 6 years Imodium contraindications certainly has. Older age at this hypersensitive ingredients you can not take medication. If there is ulcerative colitis and ulcerative complications and even psevdomembran enterocolitis caused by common antibiotic, the filling of the intestine feces can trigger a break walls. Loperamide 2mg Also at diverticulosis congenital digestive tract of the baby, that is bulging in the wall of a certain part of the subtle gap can occur. When a sick liver disorders that cause a reduction in overall body functions, also with great caution must do destination medication. As the functions of liver toxic drug breaks down into parts, with the accumulation of drug in the blood, causing deviations and disturbances in the National Assembly. Side properties The strongest adverse deviations related obstruction, caused by constipation, abdominal mass and accumulation of gas and liquid. They can occur on the central nervous system, resulting drowsiness and lethargy. When taking and excessive drug overdose occur strong changes of the central nervous system, accompanied by loss of consciousness and respiratory failure Centre, until respiratory arrest. Imodium for children under one year is absolutely contraindicated, it causes the deaths of 25% of the 100, and also affects the central nervous system crumbs. Imodium for children 3 years old and not used because it can cause a complete paralyzatsyyu intestine. The manual states that permitted to 6 years of age.Loperamide 2mg This antidiarrhoeal loperamide-based drug that binds to the receptor in the intestine network. This released acetylcholine and prostaglandin, which slows down the passage of stool through the intestines masses. Loperamide affects the anal Sphinx and reduces it reduces the urge incontinence and diarrhea. Imodium composition is basically composed of Lopera hydrochloride with additional additives, gelatin, mannitola, natriyuhidrokarbonatu and mint flavor.
Категория: imodium tabs | Добавил: Dnister (17.12.2016)
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