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Imodium for dogs
During treatment recommended diet and filling liquid. Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms During the treatment should refrain from driving transport and activities potentially hazardous activities that require high concentration and high rate of psychomotor reactions. Imodium for dogs Symptoms: CNS depression - stupor, loss of coordination, drowsiness, miosis, increased muscle tone, respiratory depression, intestinal obstruction. Children are more susceptible to the effects on the CNS. Treatment: gastric lavage, the appointment of activated charcoal (not later than 3 hours after taking Imodium), mechanical ventilation, symptomatic of therapy. Antidote - naloxone. Therefore, the duration of Imodium more than naloxone (1-3 hours), you may need reappointment last. To detect possible CNS depression patient should be under close supervision for at least 48 hours. Imodium for dogs Imodium drug drug interactions were observed. Terms leave from pharmacies The drug is approved for use as a non-prescription product. Terms and conditions The drug should be stored out of reach of children at a temperature of 15 ° to 30 ° C. Shelf life - 5 years. Why not apply the drug to the age of six Imodium for children has a negative effect on the human body, which can even cause death. When an unidentified causes diarrhea is not recommended its use. Do not humbly trust advertising the drug, which the whole country claims that Imodium from diarrhea - the best way. It's just advertising, and apply the medication without medical advice undesirable. Medicines affecting the intestines of the body, inhibits transmission of nerve impulses to muscles. In adults after exposure to the drug over time is reduced activity of the nervous system of the gastrointestinal tract. Children, especially the very young, the drug can cause intestinal obstruction and stop mass of feces. Imodium for dogs Since there Imodium influenced spasm and anal sphincter, fecal masses are ejected through the walls and toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream. The ongoing changes in the body of the baby, such as abdominal swelling of the tissues of the body. Complete with a state of bowel obstruction can cause the child's death
Категория: imodium tabs | Добавил: Dnister (17.12.2016)
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