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Cheap ibuprofen
Cheap ibuprofen erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract organs in the acute stage (including gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis); inflammatory bowel disease; hemophilia and other bleeding disorders (including anticoagulation), hemorrhagic diathesis; period after coronary artery bypass surgery; gastrointestinal bleeding and intracranial hemorrhage; severe hepatic impairment or active liver disease; progressive kidney disease; severe renal failure with creatinine clearance less than 30 ml / min, confirmed hyperkalemia; pregnancy; Children up to age 6 years. Pregnancy and breast-feeding is contraindicated during pregnancy. Use with caution during lactation. Cheap ibuprofen Specific guidance Treatment of drug should be in the lowest effective dose, the lowest possible short course. During long-term treatment is necessary to monitor patterns of peripheral blood and functional state of the liver and kidneys. When symptoms of gastropathy shows careful control, including holding esophagogastroduodenoscopy, complete blood count (hemoglobin), fecal occult blood. Cheap ibuprofen If necessary, the definition of 17-keto steroids drug should be discontinued 48 hours prior to the study. Patients should refrain from all activities that require attention, rapid mental and motor responses. During the period of treatment is not recommended intake of ethanol (alcohol).
Категория: ibuprofen for sale | Добавил: Dnister (30.11.2016)
Просмотров: 238 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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